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Life Insurance

Ensuring Tomorrow’s Security

Life insurance is the bedrock of your family’s financial security, especially when loved ones depend on you. It steps in to replace lost income, shielding your family from financial strains during challenging times.

Yet, finding affordable coverage is vital, given the varying premiums. For pilots, the quest is further complicated by aviation surcharges and exclusion riders, making the choice of the right policy crucial.

Pilot Insurance Center specializes in understanding the unique challenges faced by pilots. Our tailored life insurance solutions offer comprehensive protection for your family’s future without unnecessary financial burden.

Choose us for more than just life insurance – invest in peace of mind and stability for your loved ones amid life’s uncertainties.

Fly assured!

Explore essential resources, checklists, and FAQs to elevate your confidence. Your peace of mind begins here.

The Importance of Life Insurance for Your FamilyWhat Pilots should know about Life InsuranceInsurance ChecklistInsurance Needs EstimatorFAQ

Securing Your Family’s Future

Life insurance is an essential part of your family’s financial plan. This is especially true when you have dependents relying on you. The primary reason people buy life insurance is to replace the income that would be lost with the death of a wage earner. Imagine the challenges your family would face just maintaining your family’s current lifestyle if you were no longer there. Adequate life insurance protection could spare your family from having to make some very serious financial sacrifices.

However, as important as life insurance is, you don’t want to pay too much for it. Life insurance premiums vary widely between companies for the exact same benefits. Pilots have the added concern that most life insurance companies just don’t understand the actual risk of flying and charge excessive aviation surcharges for their policies. If the policy does not have the surcharge, it normally will contain an Aviation Exclusion Rider that makes the policy void if the insured dies in an aircraft accident.

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Your Aviation Life Insurance Experts

The Pilot Insurance Center closely monitors the major life insurance companies for the current underwriting guideline and requirements for pilot life insurance. The criteria for pilot underwriting changes often and as pilots ourselves we are able to work with underwriters to find the best coverage for your aviation experience and activities. If your agent does not understand aviation and the factors affecting aviation safety it is much less likely they will be able to find the best coverage for you.

The principals of the Pilot Insurance Center, Randy Williams and Bill Fanning, have over 80 years of combined aviation experience and have been serving the aviation community for life insurance needs for over 20 years. As with aviation, experience counts when planning and protecting your family’s financial future. We are members of AOPA, EAA, NBAA and have worked on numerous aviation safety projects and programs within the aviation and insurance communities.

Why Buy From PIC?

Premium Protection

Coverage from some of America’s top insurers. The Pilot Insurance Center works closely with leading insurers to find and promote the best underwriting criteria for pilot life insurance coverage. This is full life insurance coverage from highly rated companies. You will be covered for all of your present and future aviation activities.

Confidentiality Guaranteed

We promise to keep your personal data absolutely private. We will not release your data to any other party other than for the purposes of obtaining your life insurance coverage. See our privacy policy.

No-Risk Decision Period

A guaranteed policy review period is standard. All policies contain a free look period of at least 10 days after the insured receives the policy during which the insured can return the policy to the insurer for any reason and receive a full refund of premium paid.

Quick Path to Coverage

Our application process is quick and easy. We have developed a shorter and more streamlined process to make the application process convenient for you.

Expert Guidance

We make it easier for you. Because we regularly monitor the top carriers for their aviation underwriting criteria we can quickly find the best coverage for your current aviation activities. We will guide you through the application and underwriting process. You will have a dedicated life insurance advisor to communicate with and to answer any of your questions.

Are you covered? Are you overpaying? Find out now!

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